Campaign for Secular Education

Alternative Provision for children opted out of religious observance in schools

This an option for parents who wish to help us to campaign against religion in schools. We will write and send the attached questionnaire to the head teacher of any school on request. It is a way of raising the issue of the quality of alternative provision to a level that will encourage parents to opt for the alternative as a positive choice. All you need to do is send the name of the head teacher and the name and address of the schools to each mailing and Stamped SAE costs the price of two stamps. If you want several schools mailing, donations can be made payable to and sent to:-  secularsites, PO Box 172, Westerham, Kent TN16 9AN

Cover letter:-

Dear --------------------------------

As part of a nation-wide survey we would like to ask you whether you require your children to perform religious ritual as part of the school day/ week. e.g. prayer, worship, hymn singing etc. and if so what alternatives do you offer for the children who are opted out of such activities.

As you know there is growing opposition to schools having to conduct the rituals of belief when increasing numbers of parents and teachers do not subscribe to belief in God and the supernatural. And there are also many more parents of different religions who would demand different forms of ritual and that the increasing complexity of these demands is putting a considerable strain on the ability of some schools to meet them all within the time constraints of the school day.

Parents who do not want the ritual, the promotion of religious opinion as fact and religions per se as ‘good’ in schools and think it is a waste of valuable school time - as well as others who want to opt their children out of Christian ritual, need a satisfactory alternative, and it is this that we are investigating.

We would be grateful if you would look at the enclosed questionnaire and give us a few moments of your time to fill it in. I have enclosed a stamped SAE.

Yours sincerely


Campaign for Secular Education

(Our ref:-  schools/Alt.Provision/03.06/England/ return/non-return/number)

Questionnaire on alternative provision for children

opted out of  religious ritual in schools

How many children do you have opted out -   ........... out of a role of   .....  children -

Age Groups (please tick)      nursery-         infants-          junior-         secondary-

Are the children required to -   Pray-      worship-        sing hymns-      

                                      other……………. ........................................................

How often it this required?      Daily,       more than once a day,       weekly,

                                    other:- …………………………………

Briefly what alternative options do you provide to cater for children who are opted out?


Do you inform  parents of the options you provide?  - (Please Tick)   Yes  /  No

a)      Only when they enquire about opting out -

b)      Before the children start schools -

      Is the content of the option explained ?  - Yes / No

Thank you for your time. (Stamped SAE enclosed)